warm hearts mittens


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Knitting Classes and Lectures

Now scheduling workshops and events for 2026 and beyond.

Margaret Radcliffe has been teaching knitting since 1991. Her venues have included The John C. Campbell Folkschool, Webs, The Knitting Guild of America, The National Needlearts Association, Madrona Fiber Arts Winter Retreat, Stitches, knitting guilds and shops across the US, cruise ships and windjammers, and online for The Livestock Conservancy's Shave 'Em to Save 'Em heritage breeds wool program. Classes vary from workshops designed to help beginning and intermediate knitters improve their skills, to design classes for beginning through experienced knitters, and include dyeing yarn for specific effects in your knitting.

Schedule of workshops and other events

Interested in scheduling a program for your shop or local knitting guild? Contact us.
Margaret is currently developing new online workshops which are not yet included in the class descriptions downloadable below. Please contact us if you are interested in an online workshop or lecture on a topic not included in these lists.


In-Person Courses
90-Minute In-Person Mini-Workshops
In-Person or Online Lectures
Online Courses

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All text and images copyright © 1998-2024 Margaret K.K. Radcliffe